Protelindo Collaborating with the Local Government, Implementing Stunting program in Jember, Lamongan, and Tuban – East Java
Wednesday, 1 November 2023 12:00

East Java – Protelindo, in collaboration with the District Government, Stunting Acceleration Team, Regional Council of Representatives, and Regional Representative Council of Persatuan Perawat Indonesia (PPNI), and Smartfren as business partners, run the Pengentasan Tumbuh Kembang (PTK) program for Stunting with supplementary feeding (PMT) with Formula Milk, Chicken Floss, and Eggs in Jember, Lamongan, and Tuban.
The ceremony was opened by the Regent Deputy Jember, KH. MB. Firjaun Barlaman, along with the Regional Secretary Hadi Sasmito in Sumberpakem Village, Jember District on September 29, 2023. In the event entitled “Wes Wayahe Peduli Problem Tumbuh Kembang”, in Jember, Protelindo gave a Supplementary Food Package (PMT) to 521 children for 3 months. As a symbol of partnership and commitment in Stunting Program, Protelindo also provided jackets for the medical personnel who will serve on the field, as well as 11 laptops that will be used by medical personnel in recording and monitoring digitally.
This activity was followed directly in the Sumberjambe, Sumberpakem Village, along with 11 other villages streaming by online, which come from Jombang, Patrang, Wuluhan, Sukorambi, Silo, Sukowono, Mumbulsari and Puger subdistrict.
Ir. H. Hendy Siswanto, ST., IPU, Regent of Jember, also expressed gratitude to Protelindo for active participation in the diagnosis of the Growth Problem (PTK) or Stunting. "We are grateful to Prodelindo for providing 521 PMT for three months to our citizens; may this program be beneficial in significantly reducing the number of stunting; we also thank you for providing 11 laptops to Puskesmas as a tool for monitoring the Stunting/ PTK attack program in Jember district."
The second round of events took place on September 18, 2023, at Ngimbang's subdistrict office in Lamongan. Local governments such as the PKK leader, Subdistrict Head, Police Chief, Danramil, and other village entities attended the ceremony. Protelindo also committed to deliver 300 three-month PMT packages as well as a prevention and stunting education campaign to local communities at the event. As in the previous city, Protelindo also gave jackets and laptops to the medical personnel as a symbol of partnership and commitment in running a program to curb the Growth Problem (PTK) or Stunting children in Lamongan district through digital reporting.
Closing the first phase of the programme in East Java, the third activity held at Pongpongan Village Office, Merakurak, Tuban, on September 19, 2023. In this ceremony, Protelindo also committed to giving 179 PMT packages over three months that are also accompanied by a stunting education program to local citizens. In this event also distributed jackets and laptops for the medical personnel as one of the forms of commitment Protelindo in the Growth Problem (PTK) or Stunting, in Tuban.
PMT Phase 2 Protelindo already distributed to local citizen in Jember, Lamongan and Tuban, and was carried out at village offices in October and November 2024.
"As Indonesia's leading telecommunications infrastructure provider, we would like to support the government's program to reduce stunting cases in Indonesia." Our initiative in Jember, Lamongan, and Tuban is a pilot project of a social program in Indonesia, specifically the handling of stunts. We donate 3,000 PMTs, which will be distributed to 1,000 prospective stunting children over the course of three months. The program will then be replicated in other regions and cities throughout Indonesia," stated Indra Gunawan, Director of Protelindo.