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Protelindo Donates MICU (ICU Donation for Babies and Children) to Hospitals in Kudus

Saturday, 29 October 2022 12:00

Kudus - As a member of the Djarum group, Protelindo is part of the distribution of several medical devices for hospitals in Kudus. Several hospitals have been provided with medical equipment, including the Sunan Kudus Hospital and the Asyiyah Kudus Hospitall. 

Protelindo recently provided medical devices to Sudus Kudus including: 3 Infant Ventilator Units, 1 Endoscopy Unit, 1 Insulfator Unit, 1 Laparoscopy Unit and 5 Oscillation Units. In addition, Protelindo also provided medical equipment to Asyiyah Kudus including: 1 Treadmill Unit, 1 Echocardiography, 2 probes, 2 Equipment for Critical Care Rooms (Anesthesia Machine & Infant Ventilator).

The donations given by Protelindo amounted to around 8 billion and it is hoped that the donations will support the improvement of health services to the community.

 “Donations from Protelindo is very usefull for Aisyiyah Kudus Hospital. Thank you to Protelindo” said Dr Hilal Ariadi, M.Kes Director of Aisyiyah Hospital, Kudus