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Protelindo Donates Scholarships and Held Internship Program for State University All Over Indonesia through KSE Foundation

Monday, 31 October 2022 12:00

Jakarta - Protelindo hascollaborated with the Karya Salemba Empat Foundation since 2020 to provide scholarships to 182 students at 26 State Universities throughout Indonesia.

In addition, Protelindo has opened opportunities for scholarship recipients to do internships at Protelindo. This year’s Internship program lasted 1 month, from July 12th, 2022 to August 12th, 2022. There were 7 students from various universities:

  1. Alfi Maghfirah (Electrical Engineering), Universitas Brawijaya,
  2. Indra Maulana Sumar (Electrical Engineering), Cendana University (Medan)
  3. Shiraj Gilang Pratama Bachmid (Civil Engineering), Sam Ratulangi University.
  4. Angelina Fitriani Doke Bei (Civil Engineering), Nusa Cendana University,
  5. Kaleb Reufel Gandu (Civil Engineering), Tadulako University (Palu).
  6. Muhammad Maulana (Electrical Engineering), Sriwijaya University.
  7. Muhammad Halim Sa'id (Electrical Engineering), Universitas Brawijaya.

The students were placed in several departments such as: Marketing Sales and Leasing (MSL), Operation and Maintenance (OM), Build to Suit (BTS).

“I am very happy to have this opportunity to get an internship experience from Protelindo. This program is very good for opening my horizons in the world of work, thank you Protelindo” said Maulana, one of the Internship participants from Sriwijaya University, Palembang.

In the future, Protelindo will continue to provide opportunities for scholarship recipient students to take part in the Internship program at Protelindo.

"The Karya Salemba Empat Foundation, would like to thank to Protelindo for supporting scholarship program with KSE to create smart students." said Mirza Adityaswara, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Karya Salemba Empat Foundation.