Protelindo Group Holds "Sharing the Happiness of Ramadan" with 1,000 Orphans and Partners in 4 Cities
Monday, 1 May 2023 12:00
Jakarta - PT Profesional Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Protelindo) held an iftar and donation event, "Sharing the Happiness of Ramadhan with 1,000 Orphans", in four cities in Indonesia. This year, Ramadhan activity was held with Protelindo's subsidiaries, PT Iforte Solusi Infotek (Iforte) and PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk (STP).
The Ramadhan event occurred in Makassar, Surabaya, Balikpapan, and Medan on April 3, 4, 5 and April 13 2023. "In this month of Ramadan, we want to share the happiness with the children in several orphanages and Islamic boarding schools in some cities in Indonesia. Simultaneously, we also invited our partners from several cellular operators to participate. Hopefully, this event will be a blessing for all of us." said Director of Protelindo Indra Gunawan, Friday (15/4/2023).
During the Makassar event - at the Al Fakhriyah Islamic Boarding School, Protelindo also invited its partner XL Axiata to share and give donations to the orphans from Nurul Ummi Orphanage.
The same was done in Surabaya and Balikpapan, where Protelindo Group collaborated with Smartfren to give donations and iftar to the orphans of the Assalafiyah Orphanage and the Al Mukmin Orphanage.
Smartfren Kalimantan Regional Head of Sales, Teddy D. Hendarman, expressed his gratitude for Protelindo’s support, including the Ramadhan Happiness Sharing event. Teddy hopes that in the future, Protelindo and Smartfren can continue to synergise and succeed.
Meanwhile, iftar and donations for orphans from Mamiyai Orphanage in Medan, Protelindo Group collaborated with Telkomsel.
Apart from the Orphanages and Islamic Boarding Schools above, the Protelindo group also give donations to several other Orphanages and Islamic Boarding Schools, Nurul Ummi Orphanage in Makassar, Fatimah Orphanage in Surabaya, Al Ikhlas Orphanage, Mizan Amanah and Dhuafa Orphanages in Balikpapan. The Ramadhan Happiness Sharing Program with 1,000 orphans and business partners in four cities is a company's concern for the community, especially the orphans.
In the future, this activity will be carried out regularly by the Protelindo Group, especially during Ramadan. All management and employees of Protelindo Group wish you a Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1444 H.