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Protelindo Holds Digital Literacy Program for Teachers in Kediri

Thursday, 1 June 2023 12:00

Kediri - As one of Indonesia's leading telecommunication infrastructure providers, Protelindo is committed to positively impacting the country and its citizens, one of which is through corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. Protelindo collaborates with Petra Christian University, Surabaya, in its activities to implement the "Digital Literacy" program through training for kindergarten and elementary school teachers.

This training program has been held for 3 meetings: July 7, 2022, July 14, 2022, and March 17, 2023, at education authorities Kediri. As many as 10 representatives of kindergarten-elementary teachers in Kediri have participated in digital literacy training, namely: Teachers at SDN Klampisan 2, Teachers at SDN Margourip 2, Teachers at SDN Kapi 1, Teachers at SDN Maesan, Teachers at SDN Bulusari 2, Teachers at SDN Bulu 3, teacher at SDN Sonorejo 2 and teacher at SDN Banyuanyar.

"We see the importance of this event, Protelindo's support is beneficial because we can immediately practice it on the location, and we hope this event can be held again in a different place," said Felix Pasila, PhD, as Director of the Petra Digital Institute.

On this occasion, Protelindo also provided 15 laptops to the participants. This program aims to support students' learning process so teachers can operate digitalized devices and explore teaching materials and literature references online.

"This equipment is beneficial for developing a fun learning model; through this learning model, it is hoped the children will behave more comfortable learning; it is hoped that this program can also reduce dropout rates, especially in Kediri. This is also following the direction of the Regent of Kediri, that teachers must create a fun and safe learning atmosphere," said Muhammad Mukshin, the Head of Kediri Education Authorities

Protelindo hopes this activity will enable teachers to adapt to information technology and master it, bearing in mind that it has become a better part of human life.